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Neilly Group’s expertise in the urban stormwater area covers both natural and built environments. Where possible, and appropriate, Neilly Group’s preference is to restore altered urban waterways towards their original state and to protect unaltered reaches. Where this is not possible, Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) best practice principles are implemented to achieve a balance between nature and the city, enhancing water quality, looking for reuse opportunities, fighting urban heat island effect, protecting biodiversity, providing visual amenity and of course mitigating flood risk.

Neilly Group can also provide Certified Professional in Erosion & Sediment Control (CPESC) approved plans for developments, assist in producing guidelines, management and maintenance plans, determine WSUD asset life cycles and deliver training across a range of the above.

Neilly Group’s capabilities within the Urban Stormwater sector include:

Urban stormwater & erosion design and advocacy

  • Site based stormwater management plans (SBSMP) and erosion and sediment control (ESC) plans for urban development approval
  • Stormwater management plans for industrial sites (e.g. mining, etc.) and other site relevant activities to meet their state planning approvals
  • Incorporating Water Sensitive Urban (WSUD) design principles into neighbourhood, streetscape and sports park masterplanning and redesign activities
  • Capacity building and guideline preparation
  • Expert design advice and review of WSUD and erosion reduction systems for industry or government
  • Presenting and facilitation at conferences and forums
  • Develop bespoke training materials and sessions on erosion, stormwater and natural rehabilitation
  • Streambank and waterway rehabilitation using Natural Channel Design Principles

Sustainable water management

  • Develop innovative and sustainable Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse system designs utilising diverse water sources, including:
    • Overland flow interception.
    • Rainwater collection from roofs.
    • Groundwater bores.
    • Stormwater pipe interception.
    • Waterway and waterbody design, landscaping designs, vegetation and soil selection.
    • Water quality systems and WSUD considerations (wetland design, swales, bioretention, rain gardens, etc).
  • Project initiation to maintenance phase management including site design and layout, project management and supervision, asset management systems, maintenance plans 
  • Design and manage the installation of water and energy efficient systems including sports field irrigation, commercial buildings and wastewater distribution using the latest available technologies.
Waterbody management

  • Water quality monitoring and assessment for lakes and dams
  • Water improvement interventions including:
    • Natural systems (edge planting, shading, bacterial and weevil inoculation techniques, riparian restoration, etc)
    • Built design (floating wetlands, pump and aeration systems, aquatic weed harvesting, litter collection devices, such as gross pollutant traps and trash racks)
    • Catchment management techniques (managing inflow water quality through erosion reduction and land stewardship practices
  • Ongoing management and maintenance planning and scheduling


Recent Projects

Department of Transport and Main Roads Janes Creek Geomorphology Assessment

Janes Creek Geomorphology Assessment, Department of Transport and Main Roads

Reef Catchments Mackay Whitsundays Cyclone Recovery Business Case

Mackay Whitsundays Cyclone Recovery Business Case, Reef Catchments

Reef Catchments Cherry Tree Creek Options Assessment

Cherry Tree Creek Options Assessment, Reef Catchments

Pile Field Design For Bank Erosion Mitigation

Pile Field Design For Bank Erosion Mitigation